Index calculus algorithm

Results: 26

11Finite fields / Logarithms / Group theory / Integer factorization algorithms / Cryptography / Index calculus algorithm / XTR / Polynomial / Discrete logarithm / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Algebra

Discrete logarithm in GFwith FFS Razvan Barbulescu, Cyril Bouvier, Jérémie Detrey, Pierrick Gaudry, Hamza Jeljeli, Emmanuel Thomé, Marion Videau, and Paul Zimmermann CARAMEL project-team, LORIA, INRIA / CNRS /

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Language: English - Date: 2014-01-09 15:35:58
12Finite fields / Computational hardness assumptions / Group theory / Diffie–Hellman key exchange / XTR / Secure Shell / Cipher suite / Index calculus algorithm / Elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman / Cryptography / Abstract algebra / Cryptographic protocols

Imperfect Forward Secrecy: How Diffie-Hellman Fails in Practice David Adrian¶ Karthikeyan Bhargavan∗ Zakir Durumeric¶ Pierrick Gaudry† Matthew Green§ J. Alex Halderman¶ Nadia Heninger‡ Drew Springall¶ Emmanuel

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Language: English - Date: 2015-05-22 22:25:48
13Index calculus algorithm / Field / Algorithm / Group / Algebraic structures / Mathematics / Group theory

Motivation and Results Algebraic Tori Algorithm for T2 Algorithm for T6 Summary and Future Work

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Language: English - Date: 2005-09-05 15:48:18
14Logarithms / Computational hardness assumptions / Finite fields / Modular arithmetic / Discrete logarithm / Index calculus algorithm / Hyperelliptic curve / Elliptic curve / Pohlig–Hellman algorithm / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Group theory

Simplified Settings for Discrete Logarithms in Small Characteristic Finite Fields Antoine Joux CryptoExperts, Fondation UPMC, LIP6, INRIA/Ouragan Joint work with Cécile Pierrot

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Language: English - Date: 2015-03-30 09:17:58
15Polynomials / Finite field / Irreducible polynomial / XTR / General number field sieve / Field / Monic polynomial / Factorization of polynomials over a finite field and irreducibility tests / Cantor–Zassenhaus algorithm / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Mathematics

A new index calculus algorithm with complexity L(1/4 + o(1)) in small characteristic Antoine Joux CryptoExperts and Universit´e de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Laboratoire PRISM,

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Language: English - Date: 2013-07-24 03:29:23
16Polynomials / Computer algebra / Integer factorization algorithms / Group theory / General number field sieve / Factorization of polynomials / Logarithm / Finite field / Index calculus algorithm / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Algebra

Some experiments investigating a possible L(1/4) algorithm for the discrete logarithm problem in algebraic curves Maike Massierer∗ LORIA, Campus Scientifique, BP 239, 54506 Vandœuvre-l`es-Nancy Cedex, France maike.mas

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Language: English - Date: 2014-12-13 07:45:36
17Group theory / Cryptography / Logarithms / Computational hardness assumptions / Index calculus algorithm / Discrete logarithm / Elliptic curve / XTR / Polynomial / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Finite fields

Improving the Complexity of Index Calculus Algorithms in Elliptic Curves over Binary Fields Jean-Charles Faug`ere1 Ludovic Perret1 Gu´ena¨el Renault1

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Language: English - Date: 2012-04-20 07:14:48
18Finite fields / Cryptography / Logarithms / Computational hardness assumptions / Index calculus algorithm / Elliptic curve cryptography / Elliptic curve / Discrete logarithm / Calculus / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Group theory

Cover and Decomposition Index Calculus on Elliptic Curves made practical Application to a previously unreachable curve over Fp6 Vanessa VITSE – Antoine JOUX Universit´

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Language: English - Date: 2012-04-20 07:04:20
19Finite fields / Computational hardness assumptions / Cryptographic protocols / Group theory / Diffie–Hellman problem / XTR / Index calculus algorithm / Diffie–Hellman key exchange / Random oracle / Cryptography / Abstract algebra / Mathematics

ANOTHER LOOK AT NON-STANDARD DISCRETE LOG AND DIFFIE-HELLMAN PROBLEMS NEAL KOBLITZ AND ALFRED MENEZES Abstract. We examine several versions of the one-more-discrete-log and one-more-Diffie-Hellman problems. In attempting

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Language: English - Date: 2008-09-21 19:02:16
20Finite fields / Integer sequences / Field theory / Computer algebra / Divisor / Ample line bundle / Cantor–Zassenhaus algorithm / Prime number / Anatolii Alexeevitch Karatsuba / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Algebra

Index Calculus Attack for Hyperelliptic Curves of Small Genus Nicolas Th´eriault University of Toronto Abstract. We present a variation of the index calculus attack by Gaudry

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Language: English - Date: 2008-09-15 00:54:54